Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mini Pink And Green Bedroom


  1. Your room is absolutely darling. The slippers are the icing on the cake! xo Jennifer

  2. So pretty! Everything looks so crisp and clean and inviting, I want to slip my feet into those gorgeous slippers!!

  3. So sweet! Nice colours, well done :)

  4. Anna precioso el dormitorio. Acabo de ver tu casa de navidad y realmente es maravillosa y si no te molesta, haré lo mismo con una casita que tengo, adoro la navidad y tambien como no pensé en esto???Besos

  5. Gorgeous! I love the colours.

  6. I love your room... The colors, the bed... everything is perfect:)
    Hugs, Candy:)

  7. All the details are so fun! I love all the trims and the mini slippers. :)

  8. I just found your blog yesterday. I just now finished reading all of your past posts. I was sad when I came to the end. You do very nice work. I would love to hear more about the adoption of your cute daughter, Loni. I used to dream of adopting a little girl as I have 2 sons. My husband didn't want any more children so unfortunately that dream never came true. I am very blessed to have 2 grown and very loving sons. I look forward to following your blog. Thanks for sharing.
    P.S. I am a fairly recent transplant to Seattle & enjoyed your blog about your visit here. I recognized almost everywhere you went. I have even been to the "Dollhouse Cottage" in Kirkland that you went to. P.S.S. I will be trying your cheddar cheese biscuits as they look delicious!


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